Social Media Reacts to Funny But Very Scary Squat Fail

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We’ve all had our epic gym fails, but few of us have the nerve to upload our most cringeworthy moments for social media to consume. Recently, however, one Instagram user put a whole new spin on the term “lifting to failure,” with a funny but equally scary moment at the squat station.

A few years ago, I overshot a box jump and did a somersault right over the top, landing upside down on my head in the process. As I turned around, I thought that no one had noticed, until I locked eyes on a girl who was shaking her head in disgust. It was embarrassing to say the least! Fortunately, however, that moment went unrecorded, except for the fact that it is etched in my mind forever.

But for an IG user going by @dtiersquats and with a name David, a disappointing look from a fellow gymgoer wasn’t enough to deter him, as he posted his own epic failure for the world to see. As expected, the internet soon weighed in.

Fitness Influencer Posts Epic Squat Fail

“I gotta switch gyms,” read the caption overlaying the offending video that has drawn laughs and concern in equal measure. In the clip, David, who had taken 2-and-a-half months of from squats, attempted to pick up where he left off, but a series of events had him looking more like Laurel and Hardie that Hadi Choopan.

After placing the stacked barbell on his shoulders, David appears to start out well with a controlled lowering of the weight, but his ascent is less successful and his knees buckle under the pressure of the plates. Realizing that he was in a perilous situation, the experienced lifter uses his instincts to escape from under the bar. As the safety rails catch the barbell, David appears to have avoided catastrophe, but there’s a twist. Now likely seeing stars, the silly squatter walks right into the barbell and takes a trip over the top of it.

“That dizziness made him forget there’s a 545lb bar in front of him,” quipped one viewer. “Pack it up buddy, you’re done,” exclaimed another. It’s fair to say that as funny as this fail is, it’s also testament to the importance of using safety rails. “The safety metal part curved upwards to stop the barbell. Really saved bro from making this situation somehow even worse,” noted one viewer.

Still, despite the obvious risks associated with lifting heavier weights that you are ready for, and this being a perfect illustration of why you should gradually increase your load, he’s not the first or the last to fail on the gym floor. “You’re good, homie,” said another user, feeling the need to share their own fail. “I burped with my mouth closed and puked out my nose mid squat. My dead*ss hasn’t been back since.”

Follow David for more stories of failure and success!

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