Shaé Love lost 99 pounds

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Transformation of the Day: Shaé Love lost 99 pounds. After her twins left for college, she decided to transform her lifestyle and reclaim her health. During her journey, weight goals, turned into body goals, which turned into strength goals.

shae before and after

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Instagram and Tiktok: @thestrength_oflove

Sadly, when my twins left for college, I panicked that I didn’t have anyone to help me tie my shoes anymore. I knew changes needed to be made. I never want to be that woman again. She was unhealthy and complacent. She’s my motivation to keep going.

I accidentally lost my first 30 pounds during the lockdown. I wasn’t trying to lose weight; I was just determined not to gain weight, so I was careful to eat three balanced meals a day, eat more fruits, and cut back on processed sugar.  Today, I eat on macros, but my meals are very similar to back then. I eat three meals and two snacks a day, prioritize my protein, make sure my carbs and fats are balanced, and watch my sugar intake. 

I train five days a week: 4 days of powerlifting followed by low-intensity cardio, and the 5th day- high-intensity cardio and mobility stretches. Before powerlifting I did CrossFit and HIIT but I learned that I really enjoy picking up heavy weight and I love the way barbell lifts draw my focus and challenge my mind and push my body and force me to eat consciously and stay hydrated. I also love the way they make me look.

I’m 5ft, 8 inches tall, and my starting weight was 289 lbs/size 18.  Today, I’m 190 lbs and a size 8. 

Shae before and after

Since I started my transformation in 2020, the goalpost has kept on moving. My 1st goal was weight loss, and it took me about a year to reach my target weight, but I’m still transforming.  Weight goals turned into body goals that turned into strength goals. The transformation continues!

A couple lessons I’ve learned was to give myself grace; I’ve just learned good habits in my 40s so of course I’m going to slip sometimes or do something wrong sometimes. That’s ok, as long as i don’t quit, and as long i do better when i learn better. Another lesson  I’ve learned is not set limits for myself.  I can’t believe the things my old body has been able to accomplish! With proper training i know the sky is the limit!

3 things:

  1. Stop looking for motivation, you won’t find it. Be your own motivation. The best thing i ever did for myself was not quitting. 
  2. Lifting heavy weight will not, I repeat, WILL NOT make you look like a man. Our bodies aren’t set up like that.  Things still jiggle when I walk. A lot.
  3. Don’t let someone else’s fear guide you. You will benefit 100% from your fitness journey, so personalize it to YOU. 

The goal for me was permanent life changes and retraining my thought processes, so I chose not to have weight loss surgery, but I would have made much faster progress with it. No regrets. I’ve learned so much along the way. 

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