Empowered Together: A Story of Hope and Partnership

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Even as events around our world seem to become ever more unfathomable, there is still a very strong sense of that human spirit that surfaces often enough to offer reassurances, at least to me personally, as to what the future holds. I have worked for Cisco for over sixteen years now, often in and around our partner community here in the UK&I. To my mind, that Cisco Partner community is very special, and one that I feel privileged to be part of.

In 2017, a member of that community, Kevin Donaghy began an unexpected journey. After 18 months of hospital visits, surgeries, and ultimately being cleared of melanoma skin cancer, Kevin received the devastating news, just before Christmas in 2019, that the cancer had returned. He was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic melanoma —an incurable and life-limiting condition.

As he began treatment, the world went into lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Already feeling isolated by his diagnosis –Kevin did not know anyone else with melanoma –he was now also physically separated from much of his support system.

A Point of Connection

Seeking connection, he began sharing his story in online support groups and met people whose lives had been directly or indirectly impacted by cancer. Through these conversations, he discovered that loneliness at the point of diagnosis is a common experience among cancer patients. This realization inspired him to write ‘Stories of Cancer and Hope,’ a book that compiles 39 personal stories, including his own, to help others feel less alone.

The Power of Partnership

Kevin was working for Ingram Micro UK and subsequently Comstor UK, two of Cisco’s largest distributors, at the time.  He had strong relationships with many of the tier 2 partners, Cisco Scotland, and the Cisco UKI partner team.  When ‘Stories of Cancer and Hope’ was published, many of those partners including Commsworld, IT Worx, 4MS, Softworx, Datavita, Barrier Networks, Simoda, and Intelys came together and raised £21K to sponsor the distribution of his book.

Ricky Nicol, founder and deputy chairman of Commsworld, is a cancer survivor himself and was moved by Kevin’s mission. “What Kevin is doing is so inspirational,” Nicol shared. “I was delighted to contribute my own story to his book, and Commsworld is equally proud to have provided the funds to get Stories of Cancer and Hope published.”

Nicol’s experience with throat cancer deeply impacted him and his business. “When I was diagnosed, cancer was often seen as a death sentence. I was told my chances of survival were only 50-50,” Nicol recalled. “But I recovered, and my cancer journey ended up changing the direction of the business I ran for the better.”

“Our contribution ensured that people affected by cancer have access to stories that inspire and uplift, reminding them that they are not alone in their fight. We believe that these stories will make a meaningful difference in the lives of many, providing strength and solace in difficult times.” Kathryn McMullan, Barrier Networks 

Through partnership and shared purpose, Kevin was able to distribute and donate, at no cost, over 7,500 copies of his book, exceeding his initial target of 1,000 copies, to 90 cancer charities, support groups, and treatment centers across the UK and Ireland, including 24 Maggie’s centres. Maggie’s is a nonprofit cancer care provider with a network of centres providing free practical and emotional support to people with cancer and their families. Because of the wonderful work they do, Kevin also selected Maggie’s to be the beneficiary of any proceeds from the sale of his book, and raised awareness of their impactful work on UK national and local media channels.

“We are so grateful to Kevin for choosing to support Maggie’s and for raising awareness of the care we offer. The donations have enabled Maggie’s to offer our vital support to more people with cancer and their families.”  Adam Feder, Maggie’s Head of Corporate Partnerships  

“All this would not have been possible without the collaboration and sponsorship from my community of Cisco partners and other sponsors. I know our book is helping people not feel alone, and I am so thankful to everyone who gave their story, time, love, and sponsorship to this endeavor,” said Kevin. 

Four and a half years since his diagnosis, Kevin is delighted to say that his cancer is under control. “Although it is life-limiting and incurable, my family and I have been given more time to spend together and to enjoy life.” 

It is hard to know exactly how anyone of us might face up to such a life challenge as Kevin, his family and friends, but through his story it is clear not only does he inspire that strong sense of human spirit and generosity, but he also teaches us something very important about always facing forwards.   

Read Kevin’s Stories of Cancer and Hope and be a part of this wonderful endeavor!

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