Building Muscle In Your 50s

I would like to congratulate Mike Brown who entered his first bodybuilding competition on Saturday at the age of 61
He won the Novice Lightweight Class and placed second in the Master’s 50+ and 60+ Divisions.
Back in 2021 Mike contacted me and said he would like some help to get in shape and enter a bodybuilding competition one day… Well that goal finally came true on Saturday November 2nd.
Mike is a great example that you can be in great shape in your 60s if you follow a proven plan, trust the process, and refuse to quit
I look forward to her return to the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Podcast to share her body transformation and competitive bodybuilding journey.
If you’d like to see the plan Mike followed to achieve his body transformation, you can download a copy of the Muscle After 40 Blueprint PDF below…
Click Here To Download Muscle After 40 Blueprint PDF