Another Week Of Rides and Workouts – BionicOldGuy

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I finished installing an electric assist kit on my recumbent, from a British company here. I’ll be describing it in more detail in a post soon. For now suffice it to say I’m delighted in it. I took it for my first long test ride last Friday, and it performed superbly. I took the same bike out on rides Saturday and Sunday which were very enjoyable. Monday I did my upper body strength workout then took my upright on a shorter ride. Tuesday was my group ride and I took the recumbent for the first time in a while. With assist I can keep up with the group easily climbing, while on downhills and the flats I don’t need assist because of the aerodynamic advantage of the recumbent. So this made the group ride an easier social outing. On Wednesday I took the recumbent again, and after a long cruise I did some intervals and sprints. I did less of these than in the past but pushed harder. I did 8x repetitions of 90 second intervals with about 30 seconds recovery, then 8 reps of 20 sec sprints with 10 second recovery (this is the classic “Tabata” intervals), followed by on-bike strength training. I liked this intense but shorter session. Yesterday I repeated Monday’s workout, only this time I took my upright out to Coyote Valley Open Space which was a fun outing.

Last Friday’s ride is posted on Strava here, Saturday here, Sunday here, Monday here, Tuesday here, Wednesday here, Yesterday here.

Arrowhead Trail at Coyote Valley Open Space

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