Welcome to the wonderful world of old wives’ tales that surround gender predictions where you can take 15 easy and somewhat bizarre tests to help you figure out if you’re having a boy or a girl.
Whether you’re patiently awaiting the arrival of your little one or you’ve already had bub, come and see just how accurate these gender guessing tests really are.
Some old wives tales to help you guess your baby’s gender
Can’t wait for the 20-week ultrasound to find out the gender of your baby? Or perhaps you’ve decided not to find out but are secretly dying to know.
These old wives’ tales may just be legend, but I swear a lot of them were true for me, and for several other mums in the Healthy Mummy community.
And while these old wives’ tales are not backed up by science or technology, they have been used for thousands of years.
Plus, they are fun to do. I mean, who doesn’t want to pee in a cup and see if the urine fizzes?
Time to play ‘Guess the Gender’ with 15 tests
1. How’s your tummy holding up?
Vomiting, nauseous and spending half your days in the toilet. It’s a girl! Feeling okay? Then it’s a boy.
2. Check your hands
Dry, cracked and peeling like a snake? It’s a boy! Soft and smooth? It’s a girl!
3. What was bub’s heart rate?
When you had your dating scan you probably were allowed to listen to bub’s heart rate. If it was over 140 beats per minute (bpm) then it’s said you’re having a girl. If the bpm were less than 140, then it’s a boy.
4. Consider your cravings
Indulging in sweet and sugary foods suggest you have a little girl on the way. Savoury foods, it’s a boy.
5. Grab your breasts
Which one is bigger? If it’s the left, then legend suggests boy. If the right is a little larger, then it’s a girl.
6. Monitor date of conception
This one may actually have some truth to it (but, maybe not). Experts such as Dr. Shettles, suggests that if you had sex and conceived before ovulation, chances are it’s a girl. If you conceived on the day of ovulation or 48 hours after, then it’s a boy!
7. Consider the Chinese gender chart
Dated more than 700 years ago (and thought to be found buried in a royal tomb) the chart uses a mother’s age at the time of conception and the month of conception to determine gender.
8. Look to the Mayans
The Mayans also have a gender prediction chart which uses the odd/even system to determine the sex. Check the year of conception (for example, 2016) with mum’s age at conception (32).
If both numbers are even or if both are odd, then it’s a girl. If one is even and one odd, then it’s a boy.
9. Check out the belly
Carrying low and out front? Then it’s a boy. Carrying high and all over? Then it’s a girl.
10. Do you have ‘The Glow’?
If so, then it’s a boy. If, instead of a fresh glow, you’re sweaty and covered in acne, then it’s suggested to be a girl.
11. Consider your sleeping situation
If you prefer to toss, turn and end up sleeping on your left side, then legend suggests it’s a boy. If you favour sleeping on your right side, then it’s a girl.
12. Think back to your sexy time position
You probably can’t pinpoint the exact moment you fell pregnant, especially if you were actively trying or simply like to have sex more than once a week.
But, if you can remember, Dr. Shettles suggests that doing it doggy style (or a position with deeper penetration) increases the odds of having a boy. If you conceived in missionary position, odds are it’s a girl!
13. Pee in a cup
Add a small amount of bicarb soda to the bottom. If the combination of urine and soda fizzles, then it’s a boy. If it doesn’t, then it’s a girl.
14. Pick up a key
Without thinking, pick up a key. Legend has it that if an expectant mum reaches for the top part of the key, it’s a girl. If mum grabs for the narrow part, it’s a boy.
15. Check which way your ring swings
Take off your wedding (or any other) ring and tie it to a piece of string or hair. Dangle the ring over your stomach while lying on your back and see which way it swings.
If the ring swings back and forth (like a pendulum), then it’s a boy. If the ring swings in a circular motion, it’s a girl.
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